Toy Puppies Presents: 'Puppy-Dog Tales'
Hypoallergenic Dogs
Hi Everyone,
So many people contact me that have dog allergies, are allergic to dogs, have allergic reactions, and allergic symptoms to so many dog breeds… that, over the years, I have become an expert as to which hypoallergenic dog breeds, and puppies, seem to be best suited for these people.
Articles have been written about Bichons, Maltese and Havanese that claim these are hypoallergenic toy breed dogs that don’t produce allergic reactions or allergy symptoms in humans. The word “hypoallergenic” does not necessarily mean that these dogs cannot cause allergies or allergic reactions or allergy symptoms in people, it simply means the certain breeds, in my case Bichons, (Bichon Frise) Maltese and Havanese, due to their unique hair coat, are much less likely to cause an allergic reaction in the greatest majority of people. Many people call these small toy breeds non allergic, no allergy reaction, or hypoallergenic breeds.
I deeply love dogs but I also love to keep an immaculate home. I first started years ago breeding and showing Dalmatians. They are great dogs but they shed profusely and the little stiff white hairs get stuck in the furniture on your clothes, and all over the house. I spent my days vacuuming and dusting my house.
Then in 1988 I got my first Bichon Frise and a whole new world opened up to me. I was introduced to a whole class of non-shedding, odorless, hypoallergenic dogs. I was smitten with the temperament and attitude of the Bichon Frise. Most of all I was smitten with the fact that they didn’t shed. No dog hair all over my house.
The small miniature, or toy breed, dogs that I have chosen to breed are Bichon Frise, Havanese and Maltese. They are small, indoor, odorless, hypoallergenic breeds. Many people want hypoallergenic dogs for different reasons. Some people are not allergic to dogs but enjoy having a dog that doesn’t shed hair all over the house and they appreciate the fact that these dogs have NO doggy odor. It is healthier for children and adults alike, if you keep one or more dogs inside the house it is better not to be breathing in the dog hair and dander on a constant basis. The other reason and more common reason is allergies to dogs.
Bichons, Havanese, and Maltese are a few of the most popular breeds that are considered hypoallergenic, or non-allergic, non allergy, reaction producing. There are also several large breeds that are considered non-shedding, although I am not familiar enough with these breeds to say definitely that they are hypoallergenic. People say to me “well they have hair, like human hair, that’s why they don’t shed”. Not so, dogs have dog hair. It’s not the hair that causes the allergy, or the allergic sensitivity, it’s the dander on the skin. Bichons have a soft dense undercoat that may be trapping the dander and keeping it from flying in the air. Another reason Bichons are good for people with allergies since they don’t shed they usually get brushed several times a week which cuts down on the dander and keeps the coat healthy and pretty.
Also dogs that don’t shed need to have haircuts periodically because the hair keeps growing like the hair on your head. Because they need haircuts, Bichons, Maltese & Havanese are usually professionally groomed, this also helps keep down the release of dander and thus any allergic reactions, or allergy symptoms. Hypoallergenic Maltese, on the other hand are NOT non-shedding, yet many people are not allergic to them. I am told the internet states that Maltese are non-shedding. That is not true, but they shed very little. Maltese have a single long straight hair coat and no soft undercoat. I am told that many people who are allergic to other breeds may not be allergic to Maltese. I can only assume it is the character of the dander on their skin.
There are two types of dog allergies. Contact allergy is when the dog licks you or you hold the dog and it comes into contact with your skin. In the area where the contact was made the skin gets red and itchy. The more common type is inhaled allergy which causes the person to sneeze, eyes itch and tear, they get congested it’s hard for them to breathe. This same person will often not have that allergic reaction to Bichon Frise, Poodles, Havanese or Maltese. It makes me feel so good when I am able to help person that really wants a dog but has allergies that they feel will prevent owning that dog… when I am able to lead them to owning a dog that they will not be allergic to. I specialize in these small toy hypoallergenic breeds.
Bichon Frise, Havanese and Maltese are the breeds I have specialized in and done most of my research on and also the breeds I am most familiar with. They are wonderful family pets, good with children and other pets and seem to be the most popular hypoallergenic small indoor breeds.
It should be mentioned here that another toy small sized dog the Yorkshire Terriers, more commonly called a Yorkie, although wildly popular, have a single hair coat are NOT non-shedding and not non-allergic.
Enjoy your new hypoallergenic family member without sneezing, itchy tearing eyes... or getting congested & finding it hard to breathe.
Until next time, remember:
Try to be as wonderful as your dog thinks you are.
Warmest Regards,